Recruiting New Members
14 West Hamilton Street Club
New members are the lifeblood that keeps any social club culturally vibrant, financially sound, and sustainable in the long term. Membership recruitment is coordinated by the Membership Committee, but we rely on our members to attract and recruit interesting new colleagues and to welcome them into the 14 West Hamilton Street community. The Club has adopted a Diversity Policy which you may view here.
If you know of someone whom you would like to become part of our club, the first step is to bring them to the Club as your guest for any Club meal or event. If you think your guest might be interested in becoming a member, please let the Charlotte, the Membership Chair, Bernie Shiffman, or Club President, David Zoll, know so members of the Club Board and Membership Committee can be alerted and try to meet your guest. Also, please let Charlotte know that your guest is a potential member, in which case your guest’s meal will be gratis.
You may send your potential member this list of members and you could also refer them to the public portion of our website.
If there is definite interest in membership, the next step is to send a nomination letter by email to the Membership Chair ( providing brief information about the prospective member’s accomplishments and interests. The letter should contain the names of at least one second (who does not have to write a separate letter). A sample nomination letter is here.
The final steps to enroll a new member are completed by the Membership Committee and the Board according to the bylaws.
Please contact the Membership Chair if you have any questions or thoughts – or to suggest prospective members!
From the Membership Committee:
Bernie Shiffman, Lynn Davidson, Mike Franch, Charlotte Galley, Sam Hopkins